Monologue Competition

Monologue Competition and Workshop Day 2022

This year's monologue competition will be held in conjunction with Eastern CT State University on November 19th.

Whether you are an old or returning CDA member, or not even a CDA member, please join us for this special state-wide event. Students should prepare one monologue from a published play, which runs no longer than two minutes. Students will be broken up into two groups so each student will perform their monologue at least two times for two different sets of adjudicators who will provide written feedback which is very valuable for future auditions.

Adjudicators will award up to twelve students whose monologues they find to be exemplary. Those recognized will perform their monologues for the entire group.

Everyone is welcome! You do not need to be a CDA member to participate, but you do need to sign up!

Registration is $20/student for Member Schools, $25/student for Non-Member Schools.


  1. Monologues must be from a published play

  2. Monologues must be no longer than 2 minutes in order to be eligible to win

  3. Monologue content must meet the standards of the school the student attends

  4. No use of props or costumes other than a chair.

How to enter:

The adult sponsor for the students' school should complete the below registration form and submit it digitally, as well as a single mailed check to the CT Drama Association's mailing address. Students wishing to participate in the workshops only and not the monologue competition should indicate so on the form.

CDA Monologue Contest_Tech Workshop 2022.docx