2024 CDA Festival
Come join us for the only high school drama festival in CT! This year's festival will be held in person March 8-9 at Green Farms Academy in Wesport, CT. To enter the festival, your school must join as a member school (link available on this site) and then submit the below Festival Entry Form by the due date. Any non-musical one-act play of 45 minutes or less is eligible. Also allowed are 45 minute cuttings of longer plays.
Once you have applied for the Festival, the following documents are due Saturday, February 10 at our Festival Tech Meeting. A representative from every participating school must be in attendance. This forms will be emailed to you upon receipt of your Festival Entry Form.
Final Registration Form
Chaperone Registration Sheet
Festival Effects Form
Program Info
Student Information and Registration Form (for each student participating)
Technical Adjudication Registration Form (if submitting a student for technical adjudication)